‘Blindspot’ fall finale reaction: Show boss on huge Jane Doe twist

Blindspot -The fall finale of “Blindspot” arrived on NBC Monday night, and with it came one of the biggest surprises to date when we learned a little bit more about how Jane Doe came to be the woman that she was in the pilot. Basically, many internet theories were correct: She chose to do it. A video message played out for Jaimie Alexander’s character tonight, which surely is going to change things about the trajectory of her story, and really also the entire show, moving forward in the coming weeks.

So how will this reveal alter the way in which the series chooses to operate? For Jane in particular, she has to figure out why exactly she did this, and when she wants to tell others about it. In a postmortem on the fall finale to The Hollywood Reporter, executive producer Martin Gero had the following to pass along:

“It changes everything for her. That was part of the initial pitch [for the show] way back in the day and it was a moment we all knew was coming. I was excited and nervous about it, because it changes the show in a really fundamental way. But, as we’re shooting episode 13 and we’re just starting to break episode 17, it really deepens the show in a way that is incredibly exciting. As fascinating a character as Jane Doe was, it’s hard to write characters on a show like this that don’t really have secrets. The tension that she has obviously she doesn’t tell the team first thing in the next episode. So it brings a whole new dynamic to the show that is really invigorating and fun.”

Gero also said that following this reveal, much of the early part of the upcoming episodes (the show returns February 29) is going to be Jane figuring out more information regarding why she really is, and how she can use something close to a direct link to her past to her advantage.

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