‘Doctor Who’ season 9, episode 10 video: Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman on ‘Face the Raven’

Doctor WhoDoctor Who” is bringing out an episode entitled “Face the Raven” on Saturday, and this is going to be one that features many returning characters. Maisie Williams is set to be back for one more turn, and to go along with, you’re also going to be seeing Rigsy!

The story for the hour feels almost like science fiction meets “Harry Potter”: A secret street in London that could hold many implications for The Doctor, and also potentially cause great danger. The new video below gives you some teasers courtesy of Jenna Coleman, Peter Capaldi, and executive producer / writer Steven Moffat.

We don’t want to finish this article before at least acknowledging the elephant in the room (or elephant-sized Dalek): This episode is heavily rumored to be the last one featuring Coleman. If this is the end, what is her legacy? We hope that she is remembered rather fondly, since we’ve found her for the most part to be fun and endearing. We probably preferred her with Matt Smith than Peter Capaldi, but we think that she was someone who brought lightness and fun to the show.

With that said, it is time for a change, and time for someone to challenge The Doctor in a different way. As for who that could be, we will more than likely not know until after the Christmas Special airs. No Companion has been cast yet, and it seems like The Doctor will be largely on his own in the final two episodes before the aforementioned special, which will feature the return of Alex Kingston.

We’ll have more news on this episode later in the weekend, so be on the lookout for that! Also, you can sign up right now over at the link here to get some other TV news and scoop on everything we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: BBC.)

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