‘Saturday Night Live’ re-watch: Amy Schumer’s monologue (with Bradley Cooper references galore) still rocks

SNL -What we like to do in these “Saturday Night Live” re-watch articles is look back at a particularly memorable sketch on the week of a repeat airing on NBC, and try to explain why it holds up and is something that viewers may remember after the fact.

Amy Schumer hosted the second episode of the season, and after looking back over the sketches today before tonight’s repeat, we came away with an interesting reaction: While many of the sketches were very funny, none had that sort of timeless appeal. This was a very good show to watch overall in that there were no enormous duds, but we’d also say that there were no massive home runs other than Amy’s opening standup.

We remember Schumer dating all the way back to “Last Comic Standing,” and admittedly we weren’t the biggest fan at that time. So many of the jokes just didn’t connect with us, and there was a confidence and carriage about her that was different.

The “SNL” Amy was someone who you could tell was riding high off of some career success, and there were a variety of jokes in this monologue that were roll-on-the-floor funny. The Bradley Cooper bit was still wonderful, and while we understand that making fun of the Kardashians is rather easy, we still appreciated Amy’s take on it. She was edgy without being offensive, confident without being cocky, and current without being so much so that there is no re-watch value. You know good standup when you can watch it back and still find new places to laugh. This is good standup.

If you missed our story earlier in the day regarding “Saturday Night Live” and the upcoming show featuring Donald Trump, head over here right now to check that out! Also, you can sign up over here to get some other TV news worth singing about, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: ITV.)



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