‘Big Brother 17’ exclusive: Julia Nolan on Vanessa’s interference, Liz’s game, and more
It is pretty fair to say that Julia Nolan had a unique experience in the “Big Brother” house that few can related to, other than a certain pair from season 5. As a part of the #TwinTwist, she had to spend the first several weeks of the game rotating out with her sister Liz. She didn’t have a picture on the memory wall, and while some people figured it out, she still had to put on the ruse with others.
She eventually did get a chance to enter the house and play her own game, but was eliminated Thursday when she and sister Liz decided that it was better for her to leave this week, leaving Austin and Liz as a strong pair with the thought that she had a good chance of getting to the end and winning. We had a chance to ask Julia a few questions via email (non-spoiler related), and you can see the responses below!
CarterMatt – How are you feeling now about the decision for you to leave over your sister?
Julia Nolan – I still feel good about it. She’s played an incredible game and has a great chance at winning. I’m praying Liz or Austin won the next HOH instead of Johnny Mac because one of them would be next out the door!
How hard was it for you to establish your own identity after having to spend the first few weeks really in hiding?
It was extremely difficult to establish my own identity since the houseguests knew me as Liz, not Julia. It was hard telling them about myself and surprisingly people didn’t really ask more personal questions about me. They sort of bunched us together as one person.
After he put you and your sister up on the block, what are your feelings about Steve?
I don’t have any animosity towards him. It was a strategic game move for him to break up the fortress. If Liz wins HOH, I would still love for her to target him. It definitely hurt my feelings that he went against our alliance.
What do you think Liz needs to do in order to win the game?
I think Liz needs to win the competitions. It’s all about winning from this point forward. The cards have been dealt and whoever has the best hand will win.
You said “no regrets” to Julie Chen last night, but is there anything that you wish you had done differently in your own personal game?
I would say listening to Vanessa in the last POV competition. I should have gone with my instinct and chosen Johnny Mac instead of Austin. I will never know what may have happened and that’s something I will have to deal with.
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