‘Big Brother 17’ review: Steve makes his move
For the most part, Sunday night’s “Big Brother 17” episode was an exercise in futility for the twins, and not just because they think that Sigmund Freud is someone who trains lions in Las Vegas. It is more because these two seemed to seriously think that Steve was going to win Head of Household and keep them safe, even though that they are a part of an unbreakable three-person alliance with Austin.
We don’t really think their delusions really cost them too much this week, but they may have on Thursday when they kept Steve over Johnny Mac. While we don’t necessarily think that Steve would have won that puzzle challenge, that could’ve been a better ally in the long-term for them than John, who is firmly with Steve and the two are continuing to work at least relatively closely with Vanessa.
We do actually think that Steve did almost everything right from the moment that he won HoH this time around, nominating Austin and Liz to reduce the possibility of Julia winning Veto and taking them off. His biggest weakness is just that doesn’t explain himself that well when the pressure was on, which is why that conversation he had with Austin was pretty terrible. Anytime he is in this sort of position, you have to assume that it is not going to be that great for him.
Was there entertainment to be found tonight beyond Steve’s moves? Not much, but we did love Johnny Mac’s impression of the twins when they were fawning over the stuff in the HoH room. Grade: B.
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