‘Longmire’ season 4: New poster hands out familiar message

LongmireAre you ready for the new season of “Longmire” to premiere on Netflix September 10? It’s really not that far away, and hopefully that means we’re at the time when some more promotion pertaining to the show is going to start to come out.

For now, what we’ve got to add to the arsenal of promotion for the show is a new poster, which we uncovered thanks to SpoilerTV (who in turn cite TVLine). This poster features the simple message of “It’s how you come back that matters,” which is something that we’ve heard in the teaser promo for the new season already. There is an obvious double-meaning that is present in this message; while it is about Walt Longmire’s journey for redemption and his decision as to what to do next in the wake of his wife’s killer being unveiled, it is also an homage to the rigorous campaign that the show’s fans pushed to get it onto Netflix with new episodes in the first place.

By and large, the service has done a tremendous job keeping the majority of the story under wraps, including even the status of Bailey Chase, whose character of Branch was seemingly shot in the season 3 finale. That’s going to make the binge of season 4 all the more enjoyable, mostly since you are getting the opportunity to check out each installment with clean eyes.

For those wondering how we are going to approach the season in terms of our coverage, the answer is simple: We’ll be taking on a new episode a day until we have made it through the entire season. If we were to watch them any faster than that, they’d start to blend together.

Head over here if you are interested in getting some further news pertaining to “Longmire” right away! Also, you can sign up now to acquire some other updates on everything we cover, sent right to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Netflix.)



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