‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Current nomination plans, pranks, and more
The Nomination Ceremony should be coming up on “Big Brother 17” a little bit later in the day, but we are starting to get at least a fairly good idea of who is going to be up on the block and why.
While we were at first somewhat apprehensive last night about Vanessa trying to make deals with Johnny Mac, we do at least at the moment have a sort of reasonable indication that the two parties are going to be working together. Why is that? It is all a simple matter of her making it clear last night to Austin and the twins that her plan is to nominate Meg and James. This plan seems to be pretty firmly cemented, even though Vanessa also struck a deal with the two of them in return for some sort of safety.
It is not lost on anyone at the moment, though, that the most important thing right now is Veto. If someone like Austin wins it, is it possible that he goes out of his way to save someone from his Brass Tacks group? If he is silly enough to do so, then this may give Vanessa the reason that she so needs (Vanessa loves reasons!) to try to backdoor someone like Liz, whose absence would complete decimate the whole Austwins alliance. We’re not really that sure how closely Julia and Austin would work together if the glue between the two of them is gone.
Most of the other events last night came within the realm of pranks, as we saw Julia scare Austin, and James continue to scare Austwins really without any effort. If James does go home this week it’ll be a bummer, mostly because the events of the house are so much fun with him around.
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Raymond wilson
August 29, 2015 @ 4:38 am
BB is all a rigged game this year! Production is keeping Austin off the block as a similar event to Derrick the twins were recruited as well as Clay and many more. Underdogs haven’t had a fair shot at anything because most of them were not recruited or looking for more tv time! I stopped watching. That whining by Lizzz and Juliaaa and Vanessa never ending mouth along with Austin nasty looking self ruined it for me.