‘The Walking Dead’ season 6 spoilers: Lauren Cohan teases difficult scenes ahead

twdWe should be on-the-level here in starting this particular “Walking Dead” article with the following message: Isn’t almost every season of this show difficult in one way or another? We do have to think that it is, given that you are dealing with everything from walker threats to harsh conditions to of course crazy people who have been impacted in some terrible way by the threats around them.

What we’re talking about today isn’t so much a challenge for the characters as it is for the actors … other than of course saying that this is a scene regarding around characters having to take down whole hordes of zombies. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Lauren Cohan (Maggie) teases what could be one of the most chaotic and also claustrophobic beginnings to a season that we have seen yet:

“I don’t know if anybody has said this yet but we always joke that the writers write these amazing action sequences from air-conditioned offices … And I think this season is no exception and definitely rises above. We have the most suffocating beginning to the season that I’ve experienced yet.”

There is a specific reason why the characters could be in trouble. They are stationed in a relatively small place in Alexandria, and if it is possible for a large crew of zombies to be directed towards them at one time, there are few places for them to hide … especially if they are all hitting the town gates for some time.

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