‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Is there a plan to use the Veto?

VanessaWe feel that the Veto Ceremony is not going to take place on “Big Brother 17” until tomorrow, but we really do not see a whole lot changing anyways. Vanessa holds the power to shift things around this week, but there doesn’t seem to be any firm evidence that she will.

Last night, Vanessa went into full “nothing can happen to me since I’m in power” mode, making people swear their allegiance, while she swore on her mother that certain other things were true when only some of them were. The twins seem to want Steve out, and it’s interesting that he could end up becoming the target by the end of this just because Johnny Mac really is not engaging in that much strategy talk or campaigning.

If we were John, the one thing that we’d do is wait out the next couple of days to see what happens, and if he still feels in danger then go to Vanessa and make a deal with her, Austin, and the twins given that he hasn’t done much of that.  If he does that then he may have some credence that he can be trusted. Meanwhile, Vanessa is spinning it that Steve is a liar; Steve did do some of this to himself by trying so hard to not be a pawn, but we don’t blame him: He had to make a big push at some point, since he wouldn’t win just by coasting.

Maybe something will change today, and the only thing that Steve and John have going for them is that James is a possible backdoor target, as well. He can win endurance competitions, but the fact that he doesn’t really talk much game keeps him from being that dangerous in the eyes of the other players, when really he’s one of the more dangerous players int he game since everyone really likes him.

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