‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Liz and Austin go back and forth

AustinThere is no real need for hyperbole at this point in “Big Brother“: Every single week is important! You have to be very careful about the people you evict, and then also the people that you choose to put trust in following this eviction.

This is what makes the Becky vs. Johnny Mac debate so fascinating for some of these people, in particular Austin and Liz. We’ve already seen some flip-flopping from the two today when it comes to these two, and we understand it. For a while, the argument in keeping Becky was that she would go after Vanessa. However, after John and Vanessa’s tense conversation earlier, one in which he told her that her tactics (which include crying and shouting) make him uncomfortable, it seems pretty clear that John would go after Vanessa, and Vanessa would also go after John. (By the way, after nominations Vanessa went and claimed to other people that this was some worse ordeal than it actually was.)

After a long conversation with Austin and Liz that included John telling them all about some of the deals Vanessa has tried to make with him, eventually we had a situation start to unfold here where it appeared like Austin and Liz may actually want to keep him around … provided that they even have the votes or he wins Veto.

Ultimately, the big takeaway from the day is that neither Austin nor the twins are particularly thrilled with Vanessa anymore, but at the same time we don’t get the sense that they are ready to make a move against her just yet. A part of this on their part may be posturing in hopes that Vanessa is targeted next week over them.

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