‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Vanessa in meltdown mode

VanessaWe find ourselves feeling conflicted right now about Vanessa as a “Big Brother” contestant, and ultimately for so many reasons. Let’s start, though, with this one: Do we really want her to leave? There are times in which she is infuriating, but at the same time she is really good TV.

The problem that does infuriate us is that we can never really figure out if she can see through what she is saying to the other houseguests about her integrity, and whether or not she genuinely takes everything personally. She is a good strategist, but watching her today confirms that her social game isn’t great and that she perhaps has taken this far too seriously all season. She is perceptive, and therefore has figured out that almost everyone was in on the plan to get rid of her. In the defense of Austin and the twins, though, they only found out right before Veto, and telling her at that point would be killing their own games because everyone would know where it was coming from.

Vanessa has spent most of the past few hours alternating between crying and getting angry at people and proclaiming that Becky is not a good person. We know that the first 24 hours after being named a replacement nominee is brutal, but we hope that she gets it together. The Vanessa that we’ve loved watching would not go quietly into the night, so we hope she figures out a way to campaign hard and make things entertaining.

Speaking of entertaining, the only other highlight of the day (we don’t consider Austin’s workout class a highlight) was Shelli’s desperate attempt to find all of Clay’s shirts as a way to make sure he was cared for even outside of the house. Somehow, this was so much more complicated than we thought it would be.

We’ll be back either later tonight or tomorrow (depending on what happens) with more “Big Brother” updates over here. Also, sign up now to get some more TV scoop on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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