‘The Fosters’ season 3 summer finale spoilers: David Lambert on Brandon – Callie aftermath

FostersThere were many big moments that took place on Monday night’s “The Fosters,” but for Brandon there is one that will easily be among the ones that generates the most discussion: Him and Callie sleeping together at the very end of the hour. These two had moments before, but this was a huge leap forward in their relationship … and it just so is happening at the most inopportune time. This could jeopardize her adoption even further if the news gets out, so they have to figure out how to keep this a secret.

Suffice it to say, this is not going to be something that just disappears in a cloud of smoke moving into the next new episode of the show. David Lambert spoke about the big moment for the character in a TVLine post-mortem, and he teased that these two are going to have to deal with the ramifications of what they have done sooner rather than later:

“That’s the ominous cloud hanging over them. They stop for a second and think, and suddenly they realize the repercussions that could take place here. They just chose to ignore everything and just go through with this. So it’s going to be definitely a sense of everything coming back and slapping them in the face.”

We do very much have hope that Callie and Brandon will be together in time, but the thing that they both have to realize here is that there is not going to be any quick solution that allows them to get everything they want. We expect a wide array of hardship and difficulties still coming up both in the summer finale and beyond.

If you missed it, our review of tonight’s episode of “The Fosters” can be read in full over at the link here. Also, sign up now in the event you want some more TV news on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: ABC Family.)

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