‘Legends of Tomorrow’ spoilers: No Booster Gold (at least for now)
For a long time, it was speculated that “Legends of Tomorrow” (even before it had that name) was a series that could feature Booster Gold in some way. After all, “The Flash” has introduced the world of time-traveling, and Booster is a character known very well for being able to do this.
However, what we ended up learning is that this show is going to feature Rip Hunter, a lesser-known time traveler, but someone with a deep history in the DC Comics and has gone simply by the name Traveler at times. With all of this in mind, executive producer Phil Klemmer made it clear to The Hollywood Reporter that you are not going to be seeing Booster Gold during the show’s upcoming first season. In addition to that, it is also very well possible that he could be saved for something in the DC movie universe:
“I wish I could tease a Booster thing but, you might have to wait a good long while at least on our show … Perhaps Booster is being groomed for bigger things.”
There was a time when we would start up a lengthy rant about DC Comics depriving TV fans of beloved characters just so they can throw them into a feature film that is not canon with this universe. However, we’re going to look at this instead as an opportunity to actually see some new characters, and have a chance for them to develop an audience all their own.
Want to get some further news right away when it comes to “Legends of Tomorrow”? Then be sure to head over here to get the Hawkman casting news that was recently unveiled! Also, you can sign up here to get some other super-powered TV updates on everything we cover, sent right in your direction courtesy of our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)