‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Becky’s questionable plan

BeckyThis could be a big week in the “Big Brother 17” house, but it could also be a complete disaster. The more that we are starting to hear on what the plan here is at the moment, we feel like this could easily be a disaster.

Specifically, what is going to happen for now is that the nominees are going to be Steve and Shelli, and Becky will tell everyone other than James, Jackie, and Meg that the backdoor plan is Johnny Mac. However, it will really be Vanessa, and nobody can mention to Vanessa just what is going to be happening here.

Of course, there are a variety of different issues that we see coming up here.

1. Johnny Mac is close with Becky, and we’re not sure he will love his name even be floating out there.

2. Let’s say hypothetically that she makes these nominations and someone does not win the Veto. This means that Steve goes, and while Steve is close to Vanessa, he also has a thing with Johnny Mac and could be useful to her to a certain extent.

There’s no flawless move here for Becky to make, and that is what makes this move so difficult. If she doesn’t nominate James or Jackie (the two real targets of the Sixth Sense right now), they are going to be suspicious. It’s hard to really say that they will love this move, and giving Vanessa so much time to try to talk through a plan is dangerous.

While we don’t love Steve on the block, who do you replace him with? Becky doesn’t want to anger Austin or the twins, and also doesn’t want to risk having someone she’s really close to on the block. The problem is that if someone like Austin gets even a whiff of the Vanessa plan, he could win the Veto and not use it.

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