‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Austin’s disaster; live show rumors

austinWe want to spend a few minutes in this “Big Brother” article discussing the rumors surrounding tonight’s live eviction show, specifically the part of it that revolves around Audrey. According to several sources (including a Joker’s Updates thread over here), audience members have been instructed not to show up for the taping later tonight. Why is this? While this is unconfirmed, it is possible that CBS may be either pre-taping the show tonight and/or using an audience of CBS employees or maybe even no one.

The reason for that would seem to be simple: Audrey has shown herself to be unpredictable and hard to gauge, and because of that they may not want to put her out in front of a live audience that could cause her to struggle in an interview with Julie Chen. We feel like at this point, all anyone is really hoping to have is some sort of understanding about her game and what she is feeling. While Audrey did bring much of the hardship on herself with her game play this season, we also feel like she has been somewhat cruelly ostracized the past few days by people afraid of being seen with her.

As for the media day rumors, we still have not heard anything. Given that we don’t tend to talk with houseguests until the Tuesday of the following week, maybe Audrey will take some time to regroup and then be ready to do some interviews.

For those looking for more news, Austin made a fool of himself last night for telling Jason about Liz and Julia, and then acting like he wanted to see Julia gone so he could go to the jury house with Liz. We don’t know what his idea here was (to gain trust, to try to make the twins appear like less of a threat), but it totally blew up in his face. Jason eventually told Meg and Shelli, and they think he is just trying to divert a huge target that is about to be on him. It is hard to imagine many scenarios where he is in a ton of danger of going home next week, and he doesn’t seem to realize it.

What’s also interesting is that apparently Austin’s pre-show girlfriend (if she really exists, it’s all so confusing) may have decided that she doesn’t want to be mentioned on the feeds anymore; we’re getting more fish any time that she is brought up.

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