‘Big Brother 17’ review: Audrey Middleton and a Veto Ceremony surprise

Audrey -Tonight’s “Big Brother” episode is really all about Audrey Middleton. Let’s not even pretend otherwise. We’ve also been potentially more curious about this edit more than almost any other episode that we’ve seen this season, mostly because there has been so little information when it comes to why she missed the Veto Ceremony.

Before we get to the mysterious circumstances surrounding all of that, let’s just say that the edit on some of the others players was a little bit annoying. We feel like Shelli, for example, seemed to be at times a little bit self-righteous about the whole ordeal … though we also understand some of her frustrations. She’s tried to work with Audrey, but Audrey continuing to stir things up with subtle manipulation put her in this position. Audrey could have just sat around and made it to jury most likely.

We wish the show spent less time on what was going on with the Wackstreet Boys and some of the other shenanigans there, just to get to some more of the good stuff. After Vanessa won the Veto (a “Saved by the Bell” inspired chemistry challenge that was mildly fun), the show did give us the big Audrey vs. Clay argument that happened on the feeds. What we will say is that while we like Audrey, they did give us some “empirical evidence” (to use her words) about how she spins things sometimes. For example, going up to Clay outside, and then claiming that Clay “cornered” her later.

By the time we got to the end of the show, our question was pretty simple: Are we going to get an accurate representation of things? Not really. The entire Veto Ceremony felt very awkward and scripted, but if there was something mentally wrong with Audrey that caused her to need some medical attention, that’s not really our business. We’re not going to speculate too much on this. It would’ve been nice to see her at the ceremony, but we’re not in her shoes. Maybe she was sick, maybe she was upset. If nothing else, she has made a huge mark on this season. Episode Grade: Incomplete (mostly because we still don’t understand the full story).

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