‘The Flash’ season 2 spoilers: First look at Grant Gustin’s new costume

Flash -We’ve got our first look today at the new costume for “The Flash,” and while it is not in any way a vast makeover like we have on “Arrow,” there are a few little changes in here that fans should celebrate.

First and foremost, we’ve gotta talk about the logo. The white background here is what so many know the character to have, and this was what was seen previously in the visions of Barry fighting the Reverse Flash. It makes sense we would get to this point eventually; the red background behind the lightning bolt always looked a little like one of STAR Labs’ art projects.

It is hard to tell from this photo thanks to the shadowing, but we feel like the suit may also be a slightly brighter hue of red. We’re also fine with that; embrace more of the comic-book side of things with the bright colors!

Since this is not a new costume for Ray Palmer, we don’t imagine that the suit comes with a new set of abilities; what it may be is more resistant to wear and tear at high speeds. Or, maybe Cisco and the team just wanted to help design something a little cooler.

Season 2 of “The Flash” premieres October 6, and almost right away you should learn a thing or two more about what happened with the singularity. This is what will set in course every other event that takes place … and possibly the eventual appearance of Professor Zoom, otherwise known as the season 2 Big Bad based on the Comic-Con teaser.

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