‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Waiting for Audrey (and the Veto Ceremony)

Audrey -What a strange, long past 24 hours it has been in the “Big Brother 17” house. Of course, at the center of all of it has been Audrey Middleton from the moment that it was first made clear to her that she was probably going to be a replacement nominee. We saw the fight against Clay, the fight against Vanessa, the giant meeting that more or less united the house against her, and more. The final straw for her appeared to be when she figured out that James had spread around most of the information she told him about Sleeper Cell and some of the other deals out there.

Audrey spent a ton of time last night in the Diary Room, leading of course to Twitter freaking out and thinking that she quitting the game in anger. That didn’t happen. She came back in, and overnight had a teary conversation with Vanessa where she admired to having some problems, but not all of them were things that she wanted to talk about on camera. Vanessa comforted her, but made it clear later she was not changing her mind about using the Veto on Jason. Johnny Mac is also aware of it.

Today, Audrey’s spent a ton of time again in the DR, leading to of course more speculation. She referenced not being able to see the psychiatrist last night, so maybe there is a sit-down happening as we speak that is delaying the Veto Ceremony. Maybe she is struggling with the idea of going home, or maybe there’s something else in the real world that is troubling her. It’s tough to say.

The only assumptions we can make right now is that she is unhappy, and the rest of the house is sitting around and complaining about how long they are waiting. Also, there is of course the standard speculation in the house that someone is handing Audrey a Diamond Power of Veto or some other crazy power. We feel like she’ll be fine and make it out in the end; the majority of internet speculation every season on “Big Brother” when something like this happens is just bluster.

We’re going to be talking more of this season later today on Rob Has a Podcast! We’ll talk more about that once it is complete.

If you want to get some other news from the “Big Brother” live feeds, and also a review from last night’s episode, head over to the link here. Also, you can sign up now to acquire some more TV news on all we cover, courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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