‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Audrey witch hunt

Audrey -Well, we knew that this was going to happen sooner or later. In order to make sure that they could justify backdooring Audrey to themselves on “Big Brother 17” this week, Shelli, Vanessa, and Clay seem to at least be doing something somewhat similar to what we saw last week with Jeff: Doing everything that they can to make her look terrible.

There was a lengthy and enormous argument almost from 2:00 p.m. Big Brother time onward that features at first Audrey and Clay going at it, and then Audrey and Vanessa over some of the back-and-forth about alliances, deals, and … well, who cares anymore? The thing that’s funny about is that most of what Audrey is saying is true about Vanessa wheeling and dealing, but Vanessa is doing the thing where she just gets louder and more emotional to cover up the truth. Also, she talks so fast that Audrey cannot really mount a defense.

Audrey has put herself into this position to a certain extent by telling so many lies early on, and since then by almost exposing little factions within the alliance to the alliance itself. She just couldn’t help herself from talking game, and the move that she should have done was just stayed silent from the end of the first week onward. Maybe then she’d have a chance … maybe. The silly thing from the Shelli / Clay point of view that they think that Jason and that alliance will feel like they owe them something if they take him off the block.

Here is the funny thing about when Audrey leaves: What happens when other people have to take more accountability for their own lies? That’s going to be pretty fun.

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