‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: The witch hunt for the hinky votes

Steve -Why did Liz and Steve choose to vote for James to be evicted from “Big Brother 17” Thursday night? With Liz, it’s a little easier to figure out: They were flirting, and since she figured he was leaving, she brought just wanted him to feel a little more special.

As for Steve, who knows what in the world he was thinking? We’re probably not going to know until we get a Diary Room, but our guess is just that he just wanted to mess with people via the good old-fashioned hinky vote. We love that we’re getting less unanimous vote-offs this season, since the mysterious votes are creating such an amazing amount of drama on the feeds tonight. For example, people are convinced that Audrey and Becky may be the culprits, and Clay and Shelli are worried that Audrey is going to try and pin them on the two of them. (Shelli was so proud of herself telling Liz this theory as they discussed nominations.) Vanessa also thinks that Audrey is America’s Player and is trying to pin it on Steve.

The funniest thing about Steve right now is that most of the Secret Six Alliance thinks that Steve didn’t cast the hinky vote because he’s too smart to do something like vote against the house. Really, what he did here was great in that it is causing alliance members to question each other, and this could lead to a complete breakdown much sooner than we would see otherwise.

With that being said, we don’t get the sense that anything nutty is happening with nominations, at least right now. Jason seems to be the most likely target, but expect some combination of Johnny Mac / Meg / Jason / Jackie / Becky / James to be nominated, with a possible challenge throw. We could see Steve getting thrown in by Shelli, as well.

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