‘Once Upon a Time’ season 5 spoilers: How Merida gets involved

Merida -Merida right now is basically the talk of the town with “Once Upon a Time,” and it is pretty easy to understand why. She is a familiar face from a familiar recent Disney / Pixar movie, and there are plenty of people who love her. Also, it’s someone else who you can throw out there to kick butt and take names.

Just in case you are wondering what Merida specifically is going to be doing to cause herself to be integrated in the world of the show, let’s just say that it may have a thing or two to do with the Dark Swan twist that is at the center of the season. Speaking per TV Guide recently at a Comic-Con event, executive producer Adam Horowitz commented on her story with the following:

“She becomes very much a part of the story as we pick up with Emma being the Dark One and Emma’s family trying to help her not be the Dark One.”

Meanwhile, fellow EP Edward Kitsis added the following for those of you curious about possible action sequences:

“You don’t bring Merida on and not let her shoot her weapon … Merida really fits in. You see her with Snow, you see her with Ruby, you see her with anyone.”

We know that there are some people out there who are taking this quote as proof that Meghan Ory is coming back to the show, but Kitsis may be speaking here hypothetically. We would not take this as confirmation in any form that we’re seeing the character again soon, but since she is so beloved and the show is releasing a book about “Red’s Untold Tale” soon, we’re hopeful that it will happen in time. At least the show is not forgetting about her.

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