‘The Amazing Race Canada 3’ episode 3 preview: Close calls in Argentina

The Amazing Race CanadaAfter spending the show’s second episode in Chile, “The Amazing Race Canada” next week is moving things right along to another South American country in Argentina. While we don’t always know if there will be a Canadian connection to what we see in some of these locales (there was only a small one in the Chile leg), we do at least like that we are getting to see so much of the culture shock on this version of the show.

The real beneficiaries of the show staying in South America are clearly Nic & Sabrina. These two speak Spanish, and may be the only team left that does. This should help them tremendously overcoming the fact that they are not particularly athletic compared to some other teams.

There are three things we found in particular fascinating about the preview that aired for this episode.

1. Nick & Matt doing some sort of task (possibly a Detour?) where they have to tango with one another. That will certainly end well!

2. A challenge that seems to involve blindfolded soccer, which seems like the odds are high that you accidentally either fall on your back or kick someone in the face with a ball.3

3. Someone seemingly almost getting hit by a bus. For a second, you may want to confuse this for Becky actually getting hit by a train, per her story from “Big Brother 17.”

We thought that Gino & Jesse were the undisputed favorites going into episode 2, but we really do not have any idea anymore who is going to be in this until the end. We feel good about Nick & Matt since they have a good relationship, but there is a pretty nice amount of parity between the teams.

If you just missed our review of this week’s new “Amazing Race Canada” episode, you can see it just by going over to this link! Also, be sure to sign up here if interested in scoring some other TV news on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CTV.)

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