‘Big Brother 17’ review: The Twin Twist, the Sixth Sense, and Johnny Mac the throwing king

Johnny Mac -The Sunday night “Big Brother” shows typically have a variety of different purposes. Not only do they give you a chance to see the events when it comes to nominations and the Battle of the Block, but there is also a recap of some recent events that took place the day of the eviction.

Twin Twist reveal – This all actually happened before Da’Vonne’s eviction, but Julia told Vanessa that she was Liz’s twin! Now, the twins, Vanessa, Austin, Clay, and Shelli are the Sixth Sense, and at the moment they are the most dominant alliance in the game. They want to protect the twins, since they know that if they both enter the house at the same time, that will give them an extra number to work with.

Nominations – Austin and Vanessa are smartly claiming that they want to backdoor Audrey, but at the same time they have another plan: Potentially taking out either Jeff, James, or Jason. Of course, this meant adding pawns, and this is what Meg and Johnny Mac were for! John proved yet again that not only is he the king of kind-of-throwing Battles of the Block (though he didn’t have to do much tonight), and also that he is king of the confessional room. Glorious DRs tonight.

Battle of the Block – It’s a foam party! There’s not too much to say here, other than that most of the Diary Rooms, especially for James and Meg, felt really safe. If we have to hear about James ‘ “country butt” one more time.

This was a mildly fun episode, but we feel like John’s DR at the end was really telling about how good he is at doing other people’s dirty work. He knows what he’s doing, and he knows that someday he can use this trust that he’s earned to destroy other people in this game. Grade: B.

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