‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: The Veto results and early back-and-forth

Austin Matelson 2Meet the new “Big Brother 17” Power of Veto, same as the old Power of Veto….

That is at least the feeling we have after we learned today that for the second straight week, Johnny Mac has scored the Veto necklace! This is a tricky position for him to be in. He has shown now that he is a significant challenge threat and may need to be eventually taken out as a result, but at the same time he really had to win it. You don’t want to throw a Veto when you’re on the block, and hope that someone else takes you off. In a post-Jordan world, that really just makes no sense at all.

After the Veto, Vanessa was clearly upset with Austin over what may have been him not trying his hardest to win in the end. He felt like at that point, it really didn’t matter, but she now has to put up a replacement nominee and was fine with getting James out of the game. While she wants Jeff out, she is afraid of talk that much of the James / Meg / Jason alliance will openly target her if Audrey is not backdoored. She needs to find a “credible” reason to put Jeff up on the block before Monday if that is the plan.

Another idea that is being considered is putting up Becky as a pawn, but the problem here is that there is no guarantee that she will leave over James. Meg and Jason already have safety, so they can be officially ruled out.

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