‘Big Brother 17’ review: An eviction, Rob Gronkowski, a Twin Twist reveal, and a new Head of Household

Big Brother -Tonight’s “Big Brother 17” episode is certainly looking like it’s going to be rather eventful, so why not start off our weekly live review with this: How great is it that we got to see Johnny Mac’s “NO!!” Diary Room again?

The Last Laugh – The show finally presented us with the super-lame and non-competitive way in which the players answered the phone calls from Kathy Griffin. Da’Vonne just answered mostly by luck that she wanted to pick up the phone seventh. Hilariously, this irked Clay, who really wanted to be the one to answer at this time. She quickly allowed the information of the twist to spread, but did not reveal at the moment who she was planning to negate the votes of. Instead, she went to work trying to ensure she could stay put in the house if at all possible.

The twin twist – This was her biggest move: Ensuring that she could get Liz / Julia on her side. Specifically, Day went to Julia and told her the “suspicions” of others in the house, and this was a great way to coerce a vote out of her.

Eviction – It was a 7-2 vote, with both Audrey and Jason voting to keep Day in the game. She was right about the Twin Twist! Her exit interview was certainly candid, since she said that people are afraid of looking like the bad person for getting Audrey out. To be clear, though, we think that some in the house would’ve nominated her. Shelli just didn’t want to be the one to do it this week. Day was clearly emotional during this interview, and we’ve seen her funnier and more together in the game.

Gronk – Yes, Rob Gronkowski for some reason is the BB Takeover guest this week, and Clay looked like he’d never been happier to see another human. He wants to reward “winners” (whatever that means in the context of this show), and there are no Have-Nots this time!

The new Head of Household – It was basically a giant game of beer pong, one that Austin and Vanessa each won! This is huge for the two of them. They are allies, and they can work to try to get a major threat out of the game like a James or a Jason if they so desire.

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