‘Game of Thrones’ season 6 spoilers: Will Kit Harington’s Jon Snow be Lady Stoneheart 2.0?

Jon Snow -Sunday night’s “Game of Thrones” finale was insane, and any time that we lose a major character, the name Lady Stoneheart is going to come up. Why is that? It’s all because in theory, nobody wants to see someone go from this show who is beloved, and since the producers chose to not bring back Michelle Fairley as this character, there’s always been a hope that maybe someone else will eventually assume that role.

Unfortunately, it appears for the time being that this will not be Jon Snow. While it would be awesome to see the guy come back as a complete killing machine, Kit Harington tells Entertainment Weekly in a finale post-mortem that this does not appear to be happening. he also explained the process in which he learned his character’s ultimate fate at the hands of Olly and his fellow Night’s Watch members:

“I had a sit-down with Dan and David, we did the Tony Soprano walk [letting an actor know they’re being whacked]. And they said, ‘Look, you’re gone, it’s done.’ And as far as the salary thing goes, that angered me when that story came out. I don’t know where it came from, but it was inaccurate in many ways. It’s going to put questions into your head and into fans’ heads that things are not what they are. Quite honestly, I have never been told the future of things in this show, but this is the one time I have. They sat me down and said, “This is how it is.” If anything in the future is not like that, then I don’t know about it – it’s only in David and Dan and George’s heads. But I’ve been told I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m not coming back next season. So that’s all I can tell you, really.”

Of course, you can still hold out hope, but just remember that this can be an extremely dangerous thing. Now, all of our dreams are tied to Sam (who has already technically left Castle Black) and Davos of all people. They are extremely likable, but do they have what it takes ultimately to turn things around? Is that even their role from here?

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