‘Scream Queens’ spoilers: Nick Jonas speaks briefly about character

Scream Queens -We are still many months away from the premiere of “Scream Queens” on Fox, but if you are like us, you are probably just as anxious as ever to see just what Ryan Murphy does with this show. It will have some of the scare factor of his famous “American Horror Story,” but also just a little bit of the fun that we saw with his now-famous “Glee.” It is a true hybrid show, and that is in part what makes it so interesting and mysterious.

Also, and it true Murphy fashion, it has one of the greatest casts our of any entertainment property that we’ve ever seen. How else do you explain a group that includes Jamie Lee Curtis, Lea Michele, Ariana Grande, Keke Palmer, Emma Roberts, Nick Jonas, Abigail Breslin, and many others? It’s an insane group, and one that Jonas is happy to be a part of.

Speaking on “HuffPost Live” recently, the singer / actor compared both his character here and Nate from his other series “Kingdom” to himself:

“I am similar to Nate in a sense in that I prefer to use my words carefully … And in Scream Queens, I’m a bit more outspoken — and a touch on the sort of prick side. That’s the fun of being an actor: You can be a jerk sometimes.”

This is a different sort of role for Nick, and it is for that reason that we are specifically excited to see what he brings to this show. There’s no official premiere date yet, but it is probably safe to say that you will the show start around September 22.

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