‘Game of Thrones’ season 5, episode 10 (finale): Emilia Clarke on Dany, Tyrion

Game of ThronesIs Dany actually going to spend any more time with Tyrion Lannister on “Game of Thrones” season 5? It is one of our hopes for the finale, but we are somewhat concerned given the fact that when we last saw her, she was aboard the back of Drogon, fleeing from a terrible scene in Meereen. Tyrion was left behind, but we presume that he is going to be okay.

Let’s be a little hopeful for a minute, okay? We do that because our dream very much is still seeing Emilia Clarke and Peter Dinklage spend more time together either this season, and then in season 6 airing next year. In speaking a little bit about what Dany could learn from the character to Entertainment Weekly, Clarke had a list of a few things that the one-time Hand of the King and Master of Coin could teach her:

“I think Dany could learn how to get what she wants from Tyrion. Also I think Dany could learn how to crack a joke, maybe. She could learn to stop taking things so seriously and stop just gazing into the distance at some point.”

As with almost every other “Game of Thrones” character at the moment, the road ahead for Dany is still very much a mystery. Almost everyone is caught up to where we are in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, and as we discussed further here, there is no guarantee that the next book The Winds of Winter will come out before next season begins.

More than anything else, we just want to see Dany continue to expand her sphere of influence with new characters. Her story has been infinitely more interesting since Tyrion’s arrival.

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