‘Big Brother Canada 3’ exclusive: Brittnee Blair on bond with Sarah, making huge plays, targeting Willow

Britnee -All you had to do is listen to the crowd at the “Big Brother Canada” finale to figure out that Brittnee Blair was a popular player. She was a competition beast, a risk-taker, and someone who really lit up the Diary Room at times. These are the sort of things that many fans do appreciate, and that’s why she was handed at one point a special power.

On Thursday morning we had a chance to chat with the fourth-place finisher about some of her moves, working with Sarah, and also a variety of other assorted topics. This was nice to actually be able to chat with the contestants unfiltered, since most of the twists / the jury have kept that from being possible over the course of this season.

CarterMatt – You probably got the sense when you got the special power that Canada was really rooting for you, but what has it felt like really realizing that over the past several hours? Is it flattering or just overwhelming?

Brittnee Blair – It’s very flattering. I know it sounds so typical to say that I feel blessed, but I really feel like my family had been praying for me. I really can’t believe the amount of love that has come out from Canada. It’s unbelievable.

What may have helped you early in the game is that you were an underdog and faced adversity. When you were put on the block so many times, how did you keep your cool and keep playing and [stay focused]?

It was hard to keep my cool. In this game, one wrong word and you can be sent home. I’m grateful for Sarah and having some other houseguests who were easy to get along with and would listen to what I had to say. I just kind of tried to be myself, play it cool, and keep my emotions under wraps. Sarah was a big part of that.

This is what I’ve been curious about for some time is the Instant Eviction. Naeha gets voted out, and do you feel like that in a way helped you? It brought you and Sarah closer together, and sometimes being a tight-knit group of two is better than being in a larger alliance.

That is a fantastic question! It sucked to be sitting on the block against Naeha because she could have done magical things in that game, but Sarah was also really close with Naeha. It was an advantage for me to get closer to Sarah, to be that dynamic duo and to stay under the radar.

Was this logic also what influenced you putting up Willow in the triple-eviction?

That was my #1 thing. Willow was getting close to Sarah, not only on a game level, but also on a personal level. Sometimes in your house when you are away from your family and loved ones, you tend to get really emotional and search for that support. I needed to be that for Sarah as well was her closest ally. Willow being there was a little bit of a threat. Sarah may have taken her to the end.

Were you worried about any potential backlash from Sarah when that happened?

No. Sarah and I had a really good relationship, and we got each other. While we could be emotional at times, she was also a very logical person, as well. I couldn’t really figure out if I could trust Willow, and she was also working with the other side of the house. At the end of the day, she really did not have to show her cards. When she tried, it was just too late.

Let’s talk about some of the big moves you did. You got rid of Graig, and were the HoH for both the triple and the double eviction. Some people would have been very cowardly there and made a safe play, but what inspired you to make such bold moves?

Everybody that I put on the block, I knew I would have a hard time either going to the end with or beating in comps. They weren’t working with me, and when I got power in the house, I wanted to make big moves. I wanted to play the game with no fear. So I wanted to take the opportunity to make some big moves.

At around the [double eviction], did you ever consider taking out Sarah, or did you want to be at the end with her?

I was very confident that I wanted to be at the end with Sarah. We played the entire game together; yes, we had very similar games, but at the same times I think that I could have made a very good argument at the end of it, and so could she. We could’ve duked it out.

So what would’ve argument would you have made?

I beasted out in those comps, I made big moves when I got the power. I had a social game. While it wasn’t as strong as everyone thought of Sarah’s, I did make moves to allow her to talk and be loud and kind of sit back. I would put my input in behind closed doors and in quiet conversations with people; I gave a little and then took a lot.

One thing that did become increasingly impressive to us about Sarah’s game today is that she had two people in both Britt and Willow who were firmly committed to going to the end with her, even if they both realized that they stood a good chance of losing against her. That is the sign of a good player that she has controlled them to that level, similar to what Derrick did to Cody last season.

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