‘Big Brother Canada 3’ review: Awards and nominations
Tonight’s “Big Brother Canada” was probably a little more entertaining than we thought it would be, mostly because of confessionals. Every upped their game in the Diary Room! Plus, we had Godfrey hanging out with Ika and Gary, a reprise of Brittnee’s epic dance routine, and some other good stuff.
Sarah won the Head of Household Competition, and she also managed to nominate both Godfrey and Ashleigh for eviction. We did at least see a few seconds of her debating about nominating Brittnee … not that it meant anything. She’s known for a while now that at this stage in the game, there is really nothing that comes out of these nominations. It’s all about the Veto!
The best thing that came out of the awards was watching the return of Ika and Gary to style everyone, and then reminisce a little about what happened on the show. There is something so surreal that happens when you see yourself on TV for the first time in such a way. We’ve had the experience of being there before, and with that, we definitely know that it is thrilling and nerve-wrecking. Therefore, seeing yourself on TV while still filming TV has to be another sort of weird.
The biggest disappointment of the night was not really seeing Brittnee get upset over how close Sarah and Willow were (as revealed by the kiss), given that this was actually a pretty big deal on the show when it happened. Meanwhile, probably one of the more interesting revelations strategically came when some of the players realized that there is almost no value at all in keeping someone like Godfrey who may be far smarter than he let on.
It was not a huge episode in the slightest, but fun nonetheless. Grade: B-.
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