‘Big Brother Canada 3’ review: Did Brittnee’s secret power lead to big move?

Britnee -Big Brother Canada” loves its crazy moves, and they definitely delivered one Wednesday night with their seemingly final Twistos Twist of the season. Entertainment-wise, it is no doubt awesome. It’s fun to see the underdogs succeed, and Brittnee and Sarah certainly have done that. Of course, this really does not make us feel any differently about the nature of the twist itself: We don’t love it that Ashleigh had almost no power as Head of Household, and that outside influence impacted the game so late.

We do think that Brittnee and Sarah did what they could to use their power in order to get in good for next week. The problem? They are such a tight, obvious duo that there is no logic to join forces with them. Unless they have a three-two majority, nobody wants to be their third wheel. What we will say, though, is that Bruno really didn’t seem to do anything that terrible before Sarah threw him under the bus in front of Brittnee … at least in the TV version. He had it coming a little more based on what we saw on the live feeds.

Brittnee removed herself and Godfrey, and placed Zach and Bruno up on the block. Bruno went to jury, and the vote was unanimous.

If we were to autopsy Bruno’s game, though, it is that he came into the house a likable guy and probably one of our pregame favorites. He made some very good moves, and we even though that him saving Zach was smart in theory. His emotional dislike of Sarah coupled with the constant mentioning of his family (a reminder that he is a threat) were his downfalls. Sarah got in his head, and allowed him to react emotionally to things rather than strategically. Had he kept a more level head, he may have been able to explain away what he did. Instead, he was a little too cocky.

As for the next Head of Household Competition, it was all about “100 minutes of hell.” It’s a cool concept that will probably test a variety of fears, and it should be fair to all … well, except for Ashleigh, since her HoH was useless and she cannot even play. Episode Grade: B.

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