‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: A sad wrinkle in the twist and more

Ashleigh -Monday night’s “Big Brother Canada” episode did something for us that very few of them have as of late other than the eviction shows: Told us something that we had no knowledge of beforehand. We were surprised that Brittnee held the secret power! We actually are coming to appreciate her acting skills more because of it; also, in starting to realize that the other players seem to have it out for Sarah more than her, we’re starting to appreciate Brittnee’s merits as a player more … though to be fair, she would have been voted out on Wednesday where it not for this twist.

We want to talk about this twist for a minute, though, starting with our prediction as to why Brittnee will put up. Will her bitterness against Bruno for the whole Veto taint her feelings about him? Maybe, but we would not be stunned if she nominated Zach and Pilar, though if she did that, envision a scenario where Bruno and Godfrey vote to keep Zach, and then Ashleigh breaks the tie. It’s very unlikely, especially given that Ashleigh said that she’d rather go to the final two with Pilar, but it could still happen.

Ultimately, right now we’re thinking that there is a 90% chance Zach leaves, with maybe a small percentage wedged between Pilar, Bruno, and maybe Godfrey if for whatever reason Britt decides to leave him up.

One thing that we really do not like about this twist that we have just learned is that even with it, Ashleigh cannot play in the next Head of Household Competition. To us, that’s completely unfair since she had the HoH ultimately snatched from her due to something that was not even within her control. Why should she be penalized for not being perceived as an underdog, especially when you can argue the legitimacy of the twist itself?

Ultimately, you just have to remember that this is “Big Brother Canada,” and it is a game developed on twists and surprises. It was never meant to be completely fair to everyone.

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