‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Who are the Have-Nots?

Britnee -Usually, we would not write a “Big Brother Canada” live feed article on this subject, mostly because for the most part, we really don’t care. The Have-Not twist is something that we really have not enjoyed in years, since we prefer to have contestants full and rested so that they can strategize to the best of their ability. Watching someone cry over eating slop only is interesting for so long.

There’s a whole new sort of reverse torture that is coming out of Brittnee and Sarah being named Have-Nots today, though, mostly in that they think at the moment that Canada must hate them and they’re miserable, only to learn soon that Canada is giving them the power to have one of the most dangerous powers in the history of the game. It’s basically the coup d’etat all over again, except that they have to replace at least one nominee on the block and they can replace both.

We don’t really think that it takes much rocket science to figure out what is going to happen here. Most likely, either one of them will put Zach on the block, and our guess is Bruno will go up with him. Pilar will vote to keep Zach, and then the two Fembots will join Godfrey as the three that will determine the vote. We feel like you probably have to do things this way because you don’t want to run the risk of putting Zach and Pilar up, only to have Godfrey and Bruno vote to evict Pili and Ashleigh gets the tie-breaker vote. Maybe you can keep Godfrey up and nominate Zach with him, mostly because it will force Bruno to choose a side.

Anyway, the next couple of days should be crazy, though we’re not sure how all will be handled. Our guess is that the Veto Ceremony will be during the live show.

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