‘Shark Tank’ preview: You Kick Ass, Sunscreen Mist, ZOOM Interiors, SynDaver Labs, and Squatty Potty
Can you believe that there are only two episodes left on “Shark Tank” this season? While the presence of “Beyond the Tank” may help to make the next two weeks at least a little more eventful, it doesn’t take away from the fact that two weeks from tonight, we’ll be stuck sadly with repeats for the rest of the summer.
At least on tonight’s episode, you are definitely going to see a wide array of products. What else are you to say about an episode that features everything from action figures to interior design to an update on a toilet innovation? Take a look at the synopsis below, and then our first impressions of the products:
“A scientist from Tampa, FL invented a very life-like, synthetic human cadaver that will make medical testing more effective; two friends from Seattle, WA hope the Sharks won’t turn their idea to make personalized super hero action figures into a super zero; three ladies from Philadelphia, PA have an affordable online service to help you quickly achieve a high-end interior room design; and two men from Commerce Township, MI hope the Sharks will invest in their sunscreen full-body misting device. Also, an update on Judy Edwards and her son, Bobby Edwards from St. George, UT, who invented the Squatty Potty, a healthier way to get things moving along when you do your business in the bathroom.”
You Kick Ass – This reminds us a lot of Budsies from earlier this season, except in this case the company makes a superhero action figure based on your or whoever you want. It’s a cool gift idea, or something to maybe hand out at the office to boost morale. The name is edgy and we like it, but we wonder if it could scare away parents of young kids or that sort of consumer base.
Sunscreen Mist – It’s a way to apply sunscreen to yourself while out on the beach or somewhere else where you could need it. It can be a full-fledged booth, or something a little smaller where you still pay to apply it. Maybe it’s a good idea for reckless people who forget to apply sunscreen before hitting the beach, but this is a huge investment for someone to make without knowing what the sales will be.
ZOOM Interiors – It’s a way to interact with some folks from the world of Interior Design, while leveraging the power of the internet at the same time to do much of the work virtually. It’s not a bad idea, but if we were to be petty about any one thing, we’ll say that we’re not crazy about the courier font on the website. It should be a little more modern.
SynDaver Labs – Yes, we are going to have an imitation cadaver on “Shark Tank.” We definitely know that there is a market for this sort of thing in medical schools or universities to better understand the human body … but is this show really going to help them, or help the show? It seems like a weird choice since the average viewer’s not going to order up a synthetic human body.
Want to see some other “Shark Tank” highlights from this season? Then head over to the link here right away, or be sure to sign up now if you want to get some other TV updates sent right to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: ABC.)