‘Silicon Valley’ season 2 episode 4 preview: Big Head’s promotion means…

Silicon Valley -Absolutely nothing to him. One of the most hilarious parts of “Silicon Valley” to us is the complete and utter contempt Hooli has for one of their own employees. They don’t want to necessarily see him flourish, but at the same time, they also do not necessarily want to pay to see him go. Therefore, Big Head really just spends the vast majority of his time on the series sitting around at headquarters, goofing off with some of his friends on a rooftop. He also gets paid a ridiculously large amount of money for it.

So in the sneak peek below for Sunday night’s episode, you get a chance to see the guy be offered a new promotion in return for doing very little. It’s just a higher figurehead position, since Hooli wants to use him in the event that they go to court against Pied Piper. He can be their “proof” that the idea was taken away from company.

Still, does Big Head’s job status really means that he will testify against his status? We are not entirely sure about that.

As for Sunday’s other main event, be prepared for maybe a little bit of an art-imitating-life scenario. Is the group looking to hire a woman commentary on the lack of female representation on the show? We don’t see the show being so passe about bringing in a woman just for the sake of silencing critics; if the right person comes along who happens to be a woman, then maybe we will see some movement in that direction on the show. (For the record, our biggest criticism when it comes to Monica in particular is just that she never has enough to do.)

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