‘Doctor Who’ season 9: Meet the new episode order, same as the old episode order

The latest -Doctor Who” season 9 may still be months away, but we are starting to get more and more indications at just what this new season will be, including the episode order as a whole.

Today, what we’ve learned in this: Season 9 will be for sure 12 episodes plus a Christmas Special. In other words, this is the same exact order as last season! (This was reported by Blogtor Who first.) There’s no surprise here. We had a feeling that this is what the order was going to be. Why change a good thing? Also, production has a little bit more of a rhythm to it now than it did when we were juggling the 50th anniversary special and all of the casting changes with the Doctor and the Companion.

So far, the goal for season 9 based on what we are hearing is to further work to establish the relationship between the Doctor and Clara as one that can be fun and full off levity, but also dark and complicated. We have seen a few occasions already last season where this sort of darkness shines through, most notably near the end of this past season.

In case you are wondering when the new “Doctor Who” season will premiere, think alongside the likes of the fall. While there may not be anything close to official word right now on if there will be a tenth season, that has to be something that you expect at this given moment … even if it means a new Doctor. The show is far too popular for the BBC to walk away from it now.

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