‘Once Upon a Time’ season 4 spoilers: Death and weddings … sort of

Once -Once Upon a Time” has never been a show to hold anything back, and we have a feeling that this is probably going to be something that continues as we creep closer and closer to the end of the season. There will be surprises all across the board, and we also would not be shocked if there is some sort of enormous cliffhanger to go along with it. We will just be stunned if there is anything as epic as the shocking Queen Elsa reveal at the end of the third season. Somehow, we never saw that coming a mile away.

Let’s start the finale teases first of all with weddings! Speaking to Entertainment Weekly in a new interview, executive producer Edward Kitsis says that there will be some sort of ceremony by the end of the season. As for whether or not that actually turns into a “you may kiss the bride” moment, though, is up for debate.

Now, we turn to a not-so-pleasant topic here in character deaths. Kitsis claims that there will be a death, but there is no guarantee that this death will actually stick. Given what we’ve already seen with Zelena, almost anything can happen on this show and very little is definitive.

One other tease that we will give you now is strictly that we may at some point in the future learn something about Rumpelstiltskin’s mother, which is intriguing to us given that they will in turn be eventually connected to Neal and by extension Henry.

What do you want to see on the finale, and who do you think could be featured in some of these? Share with a comment now, and to get some more teases for the next new episode of the show, click here! Also, be sure to sign up right away to get some other TV magic sent right to your email inbox, courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: ABC.)

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