‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: A veto winner and $5,000
We know that for this week’s Head of Household on “Big Brother Canada 3,” one of the real priorities was to really do whatever she possibly could not to get any more blood on her hands. She had a target that would make that easy, just as she had a pawn who was pretty used to that position.
As it turns out, she’s going to need to think of a replacement nominee, after all. While he probably didn’t need to win the Veto to save himself, Godfrey has secured safety for the week after winning the competition. We don’t really blame him, given that after this past week, who would want to stay on the block? He’s also won himself a cool $5,000 in addition to the necklace, which is a nice little consolation prize since he’s going to have a tough time getting to the end and winning. (Not enough real, committed allies other than Bruno.)
So where does Pilar go from here? Sindy will almost surely go on the block, but it looks like a decent replacement plan will be going after Bobby. He claims that he has a secret Veto, and this is an easy way to flush that out. He’s also someone whose nomination would not anger too many people. We don’t see her wanting to anger Sarah or Brittnee too much, and at the same time, she’s not making a huge move like putting up a Bruno, even though he is someone who is in part responsible for making sure Jordan left the game.
There is still time before the Veto Ceremony, so quite a bit can change. For now, though, Godfrey lives to sleep, eat chicken feet, and tell hilarious stories a while longer.
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