‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Final judgments, the Player of the Week
One way or another, tonight is going to be the best “Big Brother Canada” episode of the season. We’re worried about putting something concrete one way or another in here about who is going to be leaving the game, mostly because this has been such a long, gradual plan.
Based on what we saw last night, though, with Bobby, Brittnee, Sarah, and Bruno all seemingly coming to an agreement to evict Jordan, plus Sindy getting confirmation that she is going to be voting, we feel about 75% positive that this is going to happen. Bobby does feel like the sort of person who could get cold feet, so we’re not ruling out him changing his mind between now and the time of the vote. After all, who would be targeting Bobby next week for chickening out? The Diaper Alliance side would probably go after everyone else first, and the others would probably still go after Zach.
Still, a Jordan eviction would be the sort of bittersweet surprise that would help this season a lot. Part of us will be really sad for him, but he and Zach sunk their own ship. Instead of volunteering to go on the block and make their alliance even more obvious, Jordan should’ve just spent the week away from Zach all together and let that show people that they are not working together.
Player of the Week – Part of us wants to give it to Godfrey for his epic Veto speech, but the reality here is that he was not exactly perfect in his campaign strategy. (Telling Kevin the votes he has was a questionable move.)
We’re actually having a hard time picking between Sarah and Bruno, who are the two real architects in making sure this move happens. We’re going to go with Sarah here, mostly because we feel like she is the most aware person in the game right now. Bruno did a great job working to get Bobby on board and sniffing out Newport, but Sarah knows about the Chop Shop and will not be an immediate threat even after this week. Well played.
If you did not see our recent debate earlier about whether or not Zach has done the dumbest thing in the history of the show, head over to the link here. Also, you can sign up now to get some other news on everything we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)