‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Makeouts, campaigns, and a shirt-hanging game
Let’s start this “Big Brother Canada 3” update with the news that almost everyone saw coming from last night: Zach and Ashleigh have finally made out. These two have felt for a while like a couple that was banned by their parents from going out, and then when the ban was lifted, they went crazy. We don’t know what exactly happened between the two, but let’s just say that there was some under-the-sheet action going on last night.
Given that these two are in the Chop Shop, it is probably not going to impact strategy too much. Graig and Bobby are both on the block this week thanks to Kevin winning the Veto, and the alliance still has to figure out for sure who to keep. Bruno is pushing hard for his alliance-mate Graig to stay, mostly because he feels like if he does, everyone in the alliance will target him first. That may be true, but it wouldn’t be smart. Graig is someone you want to get rid of in that he could be a super-pawn down the road because he’s an ideal candidate to drag to the end of the game. The general consensus right now seems to be boot out Graig, Bobby wants to stay to help target Kevin, who he feels needs to be backdoored.
Two other alliance updates: Pilar and Willow have a sort-of-bond going right now, and you can go ahead and officially throw Johnny in with Sarah and Brittnee, though you probably assumed this in the first place.
This afternoon, there was a minor diversion in the form of some sort of OxiClean game that involved hanging up shirts in the backyard, with the winner getting $1,000. It appeared at first that Godfrey had won it, but he may have missed something since Jordan was later seen congratulating Zach. Godfrey just can’t win, can he? He’s already on the outside looking in on almost every alliance. Update: Zach also won an advantage for the next HoH competition.
Update 2: It turns out that Kevin and Bobby were the original nominations, and that it was Johnny who won the Veto to save him from eviction. Wow, talk about a bold move by Johnny!
Want to get some other “Big Brother Canada” news? Then head over here to read our full interview with Naeha from earlier! Also, sign up to score some further TV updates on all we cover, courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)