‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: The original nominee and the Veto winner
Due to the “Big Brother Canada” live feeds being down for so much time over the course of the past several days, we are admittedly spending a great deal of time tonight firmly in the position of playing catch-up.
Take, for example, finding out what happened prior to the current nominees being Graig and Bobby. Apparently, Kevin was originally one of the two nominees, which isn’t a real surprise since he nominated her, and has been a very sharp player for the entirety of the season. However, he managed to spare himself courtesy of winning the Power of Veto. Yep, it is fairly ironic that a guy who said preseason that he wanted to throw competitions has already won three and almost won four. (He probably let Sindy win the first Veto.) He may actually be in a position now where he needs to win almost every competition the rest of the way to ensure his own safety.
There is already some conversation between some people as to who to keep, with the majority of the house including several Chop Shop members wanting out Graig. Many find him loud and annoying, and it seems to be a personal decision more than anything else. Interestingly, this may be the right move here strategically, as well. Bobby is someone who will probably be a more permanent target in the game, whereas Craig is more of an abrasion than he is an actual threat. Sure, he’ll be constantly nominated if he is in the house, but he’s the perfect pawn to keep around. You don’t want to be up against a pawn.
As the night rolls on, hopefully some more information will surface.
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