‘Call the Midwife’ season 4, episode 3 preview (PBS): Shelagh tries to stop dysentery outbreak

Shelagh -Tonight’s “Call the Midwife” was a story that contained a variety of key details regarding certain characters, including some fantastically-done reveals when it comes to Patsy and her life away from Nonnatus.

While her story with Delia is going to be taking a backseat in some ways when the show returns to PBS next week, it will manifest itself in other ways as she makes her opinion known on a man named Tony who gets himself caught in a very compromising situation for the time. We won’t say too much about this right now, but you may be surprised by the reaction that certain characters have to the situation.

As for the rest of the episode, we would also advise you to be on the lookout for another huge story about dysentery, which may be a result in some ways of the worsening conditions all across Poplar as of late. Shelagh is going to take the initiative to try and figure out just what happened here, but we imagine that this is not going to be anywhere as easy as it would first seem to figure out.

Hopefully, you are going to find this particular episode of the show to be especially complex. While it may not on the surface appear to be more than just a story of the week, there are things bubbling underneath the surface in here that will come to a boil before the season is over. We’ll have more on that in due time (including our standard preview Saturday).

What do you want to see on “Call the Midwife” when it airs next week? Share right now with a comment, and head over here to read our review for tonight’s episode. Also, be sure to sign up now in the event you want some other TV updates on everything we cover, courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: BBC.)

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