‘Big Brother Canada 3’ pre-game exclusive: Will Brittnee Blair strike the perfect pose?

Britnee -Typically, anytime there is any sort of model on “Big Brother,” no matter the country, we groan. Many of them tend to go home very early, and not all of them are known for great personalities. Kenny last season on “Big Brother Canada” was an exception, and it feels almost like Brittnee Blair could be the same way.

Just for the sake of a reference, Brittnee was the last houseguest we interviewed via phone recently, and it came after what was probably many other interviews for her pre-game, plus the time sitting around in sequester beforehand. While her responses to some of our questions were not the longest in the world, she had a lively energy and seemed to really be embracing the fun of the competition. If she keeps this sort of spirit in the game, it feels like she is going to be a pretty tough contestant to ultimately get rid of. We’ll give you more of our overall impression of her after the interview; as a reminder if this is the first one of these you are seeing, head over here to see some of our other exclusive spotlights from the houseguests.

Tell us about yourself: Your name, where you’re from, your age, and what you do for a living.

My name is Brittnee Blair, I am 25 years old, and I am from Calgary, Alberta. (Note: She also does a lot of work in New York.) I work full time as a plus-size model.

What made you want to try out for Big Brother Canada this year?

Honestly, who wouldn’t want to challenge themselves, get into a house, meet some new people, and win $100,000? You can do a lot with $100,000! It’s for the experience and for the 100 Gs, man.

How big of a fan of the show were you before trying out?

I watched ‘Big Brother Canada’ 1 and 2, and I’ve watched a few seasons of the American show. I’m definitely more of a fan of the Canadian.

If you could compare yourself to someone from either BB Canada or BB USA, who would it be?

You know, I don’t really think that I’m like any of the other players. I have my own goofy quirks and I can’t compare myself to anybody.

What’s something about you that would surprise people?

If you just looked at me, you would think that I’m a girly-girl, but I really know how to throw down, and I’m into superheroes and ‘Lord of the Rings’ and all of that stuff. I think that would surprise people a bit.

What’s your basic strategy going into the house?

Going into the house, I’m a people person, so I think I’ll really work my social game and charm the pants off them. I want to get a good relationship with everyone in the house, win some competitions, and also bring my A-game.

Is there any one thing you are the most excited to do this season?

I really hope that I get to talk to Marsha! I’m not going to lie; it’s kind of random, but I think it would be fun to do some secret missions or something.

What do you think your biggest weakness could be?

My biggest weakness is when I’m ‘hangry.’ I get angry when I’m hungry, so when I’m hungry and I’m going to be on slop, just bear with me. (Laughs.) I’ll probably be tired, not really hungry, and not pretty.

What are hoping to get out of the show: Money, fame, love, or just a good time?

Ultimately I want it for the experience. I’d love to make some lifelong friends. Only a handful of people get to experience this, and I think that will bond us really close. Obviously the money, and if a showmance comes, I’m not opposed to a showmance! If love comes with it, hey!

If there is one message you would pass along to the Canadian public before entering the game, what would it be?

Canada, I love you, and I hope you are excited to go on this journey with me. I hope you’re going to watch me kick some butt in these competitions, and I hope you’re laughing along with me.

Overall impression – Brittnee defied many of our preconceived notions in our interview. She was funny, had a great attitude about the game, and understands more than anything else that making close bonds with people will be important. We didn’t get anything out of this that suggests she has any hope at winning, but she also did not strike us as a first boot.

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