ABC’s ‘Scandal’ season 4 spoilers: Could B613 be taken down this season? It’s possible…

More scoop -We have talked quite a bit about B613 on “Scandal,” much of the time as though it is some ominous force staring at you from the other side of the room. Even when you think you have rid yourself of the organization, they then come back and stare right back at you.

This is the sort of situation that Huck, Jake, and some other characters now find themselves in going into the rest of season 4. While we took a little break from Rowan and company, Huck’s confessionals drag just about everything back up to the surface. Also, knowing Huck’s real name (Diego) is for some reason rather exciting to us.

While all of this is great for storytelling purposes, does it really matter of B613 is mentioned again? Is there really a hope of seeing the organization taken down this season? There is certainly a reason why it is hard to foresee it given what we already saw Rowan pull off earlier this season, but speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Guillermo Diaz makes it very clear that almost anything is possible:

“I think it’s definitely a possibly [that they are taken down]. After [showrunner] Shonda [Rhimes] killed James and when Fitz killed Verna, anything is possible on this show. I think it could happen and it would bring a new excitement to the show if they made this happen. It would be really exciting, I think it’s definitely something that could go down, for sure.”

We personally think that there should be a time when there is a major sea change for the show. You never want to keep something the same way forever, mostly because that can at times come across as boring. Also, Rowan’s the sort of character who is best when he burns bright, and manages to still surprise you. We’re not sure we would be surprised by anything he did if he

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