‘Scorpion’ season 1, episode 17 review: Did Sylvester tell Walter about Megan?

It’s been a while since we had a new episode of “Scorpion” (since Valentine’s Day to be exact), but it’s back tonight and we are curious to see how things have landed. We saw Walter take a few steps back from pursuing a relationship with Paige after his ex-girlfriend told him to be sure about his next romance before jumping in and we saw Happy holding Toby’s hand (as for the kiss he tried to pull on her, she wasn’t having any of that at this point). We also learned that Sylvester is starting to cozy up to Walter’s sister and we aren’t sure how he’s really going to react to that since Walter is very protective of Megan.

Everyone on the team knows that Sylvester and Megan are a couple… except Walter that is. They have been spending a ton of time together (he’s even leaving his Super Fun Guy comics at her place), but she is concerned that their time together is going to be short lived. She learned that she will not be getting her braces off and will never walk without them again. Sylvester inspires her to be positive and tells her that he’s going to find the right time to tell Walter about them – of course he finds the absolute worst time to tell him right after they get dropped off in the middle of no where and robbed of all their cash. So how is Walter handling it? About as well as you would think – it’s not great.

We also had a little drama from the team this week when Walter did a TV interview where he took all the credit for their accomplishments and then watched as the news reporter butchered the rest of the teams positions and credentials (calling Happy the “super nanny” of the team was painful for all). He realizes his mistake fairly quickly and apologizes, and the team is able to come back together.

When Sylvester confronts Walter about being good enough for his sister he tells him how much it hurts him that he won’t accept them being together, and Walter tells him that he does think he’s good enough. The problem is that Walter is worried about Sylvester not being able to handle the fact that she may very likely die, but when Sylvester explains that he’s ready for whatever comes, Walter gives his blessing.

We were a little worried when Walter got offered another job that could be really interesting for him, but it seems that he’s learned how much the team means to him. He’s growing! Now if only he would step up and work on those feelings for Paige we’d all be happy. Also, watching Sylvester dancing with Megan – so adorable. We couldn’t love him more! Episode grade: A-

What did you think of tonight’s episode of “Scorpion”? Leave us a comment below and tell us what you want to see happen with Paige and Walter.

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