‘American Idol XIV’ review: Did Mark Andrew, Riley Bria, Jax, Nick Fradiani move forward?

American Idol -Tonight, we bid a fond farewell to Hollywood Week on “American Idol XIV,” and we did it with a whole array of performances that ranged from very good to disappointing. We were bummed with at least a few decisions from the judges, but at the same time, they for the most part got it right. (Granted, we didn’t see EVERY audition, and there may have been some good ones edited out.)

We were actually able to keep up with the pace for the most part thanks to the editing; while the performance reviews below may not be in-depth, they are nice quick-takes on every person who was a part of the competition tonight.

Loren Lott – With “Skyfall,” she pulled off her best performance on the show yet.

Daniel Seavey – We hate the whole “hitting on J.Lo” shtick. Still, the kid’s got a good voice, and teenage girls will inundate the internet with votes.

Big Ron – Tacky and disrespectful to the band. We feel like he should have been eliminated on the spot.

Shi Scott – Way too nervous. We also don’t know what sort of artist she wants to be.

Adam Lasher – What was with his stab at blonde girls from Nashville? Okay performance, but not his best.

Among this group, Big Ron and Adam were eliminated. Probably the right choices, mostly because they were so dismissive of everything. The following three joined Loren, Daniel, and Shi moving on.

Quentin Alexander – Cool style, cool voice. Still really dig him.

Maddie Walker – Very good country singer. Nothing stands out yet, but still very good.

Trevor Douglas – Still the love child of Rivers Cuomo and Jason Mraz.

We also had a “no” at this point to Alexis Granville, who had two attempts to move forward.

Jax – She’s clearly a frontrunner, and she was actually so good, the show used her as backing music at one point. Right now, the best chance the show has at launching a new star.

Michael Simeon – It’s still hard to see this guy as a farmer. Really smooth voice.

Nick Fradiani – We love “Babylon,” and we also feel like Nick has the best rock voice in the competition.

Katherine Skinner – Very talented, but bizarrely like Brittany on “Glee.”

Of this group, Katherine did not make it through. Also, how in the word does this show eliminate the excellent Jess Lamb, and not even show us the performance?

Clark Beckham – The dude can sing. He’s also got musical sensibilities, which are not commended enough.

Mark Andrew – Great voice, but forgot the lyrics. He barely scraped by.

Bad news for Naomi Tatsuoka! She was eliminated at this point, and was extremely angry about it.

Joey Cook – More mistakes? This is not good, even if we do like her style.

Rayvon Owen – J.Lo is right: Hollywood Week is making him into a favorite.

These two, including Riley Bria (who was also excellent), all managed to make it through!

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