‘Scorpion’ spoilers: Katharine McPhee teases action sequences at Grammys

While Katharine McPhee has not put out too much original music over the past few months, she does still have another connection to the Grammys this year: Her new show “Scorpion” is currently airing on CBS!

So to see her on the E! red carpet show today was fun, mostly because it was a nice little reunion of sorts between her and Ryan Seacreat. The two go all the way back to when she was a contestant on “American Idol,” and that led to the two have a pretty good rapport together.

As for what you can expect moving forward, McPhee promises that there are some action sequences coming up. Not only that, but you will get to see some exciting things coming up for her character of Paige!

The fun thing for McPhee now is mostly that the majority of the great stuff for the show is still very much to come. The show has already been renewed for a second season, and now that the general premise has been set and we gotten to know some of the characters, we now have a chance to really see the show blossom moving forward (as well as some of the romances within the team). We feel like for most procedural shows, the second season is a chance to really evolve. It’s a little bit different than serialized shows, which can struggle in a second season and that’s mostly due to the fact that they focus on the personal lives of the team as much as they do the case of the week.

There is another new episode of “Scorpion” airing on CBS Monday night, and we definitely feel like that is something worth watching out for.

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