‘Law & Order: SVU’ season 16 spoilers: ‘Desperate Housewives’ alum Marcia Cross on board

Law & Order: SVU logoIf it feels like a long time since you’ve seen Marcia Cross on TV, that is because it has been. “Desperate Housewives” ended a few years ago, and we’ve wondered when we’d be seeing her pop up on this medium again.

Luckily, we come to you now with an answer! According to a report from E! News, the actress is going to be guest-starring in an episode of “Law & Order: SVU” that seems to be channeling a little bit of the family drama that went on with the legendary radio personality Casey Kasem. Cross will play Charmaine Briggs, the sixth wife of legendary novelist Walter Briggs (Robert Vaughn). She is accused of sexually assaulting her husband by her stepchildren, and intense legal battle starts to emerge from the rubble. You can certainly expect there to be conflict, and plenty of it, when this episode comes on the air. It also should be a meaty role for Cross to play.

In a statement to the aforementioned website, executive producer Warren Leight said the following:

“We are lucky to have Robert Vaughn as a proud lion in late winter, and Marcia Cross as his sixth and most beautiful wife … They make a terrific SVU couple…with all that entails.”

Cross did attempt to get back to TV with a pilot recently entitled “Fatrick,” but it was never picked up. Who knows? Maybe this will be a great opportunity for her to get her name back out there, and then get another new show at some point down the road? This would be far from the first time that we’ve seen this take place.

(Photo: NBC.)

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