‘Gotham’ episode 11 review: Arkham Asylum is one crazy place

Gotham -Gotham” returned to Fox Monday with its first new episode in quite some time, and “Rogues Gallery” was in many ways a fine example of what the series is doing both positively and negatively. There are still things that need to be improved upon, but we feel more and more like this show is in the right direction, and we buy this world much more than we did at around the time of the pilot.

We greatly improve, first and foremost, upon the restraint. This episode did not need Bruce Wayne, and thanks to that we applaud the decision to not just shoehorn him in here for no particular reason. We know we’ll see him again, so there was no real pressing need for an update.

Also, most of the Arkham Asylum stuff was fantastic, and the show did a great job of setting the mood, and showing the variety of people living there. Lang was a great sort of guarded overseer, afraid of damaging his position and endangering his life; meanwhile, the introduction of Morena Baccarin as Dr. Leslie Thompkins was effective, and it reminded us of how great she is at playing these sort of warm, interesting characters. The story ended with James Gordon realizing that he had an escapee tearing through Gotham City, and that this asylum is far worse than anyone gave it credit for.

One thing that Fox very much did was botch one of the big surprises, and that was the reveal that it was Jack Gruber (the amazing Christopher Heyerdahl) who was behind the shock treatments at Arkham Asylum. An upcoming synopsis had revealed him to be a key player in an upcoming episode, so that secret was out long ago. Still, watching Heyerdahl play a different sort of evil than his character on “Hell on Wheels” was all sorts of fun.

The only negatives from the show’s return were that Barbara still is not a particularly interesting character, and mostly spent her time this week being angry and throwing stuff; also, what was Maroni thinking letting the Penguin out? Ruthless mob bosses don’t let forgiveness ever enter the picture.

Ultimately, “Rogues Gallery” was a pretty entertaining chapter despite a few flaws, and it at least set the stage for a great manhunt next week. Plus, we’re loving Bullock more and more every week. Him taking a shot before running off to be a good guy? Hardly responsible, but definitely fitting for his character. Grade: B.

If you want to see some of what lies ahead on “Gotham,” then be sure to watch a preview now for the next new episode. Also, sign up today to have some other TV news sent right over to you, courtesy of our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Fox.)

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