CBS’ ‘CSI’ season 15, episode 10 review: Sharon Osbourne, billiards, and bad behavior
There hasn’t been a lot of movement on any of the main story lines on “CSI” for the past few weeks (Russell and Briscoe, Julie and her boyfriend), so we are hoping that with the holidays coming up that we might get a little more on these dangling carrots on tonight’s episode.
While we didn’t get a lot of story when it comes to our regulars, we did have a case of the week that involved female professional pool players – which was a nice twist on an old classic. When a male pool player gets murdered, everyone becomes a suspect – pool players, pool hall managers, and the girlfriend of a rival pool player.
We also had a nice guest spot from Sharon Osbourne as Elise Massey the new manager of the pool hall that rubbed a few people the wrong way. Not only is she running the pool hall, but she’s pushing the female pool players as prostitutes as well. So did Sharon’s character end up doing the deed? After another pool player turns up dead it really starts looking bad for Elise Massey, but it turns out that it’s not her, but the manager of another club.
We like this show, we really do, but when it comes to the main characters we don’t always feel that there is enough consistency with storylines introduced to us – What has happened to Julie and her new boyfriend? She is finally agreeing to give a relationship a shot and poof – it all disappears? We were hoping for more, although it was cool to learn about Morgan’s history as a pool player. Episode grade: C